Scientific American’s Winter 2015 Special Edition,
entitled “Physics at the Limits,” is a collection of articles by physicists and
physics journalists describing the current status of efforts to solve the
deepest mysteries of the universe. Some of these problems have been worked on
for decades and are no closer to being solved. Ideas that looked promising and
inspired hope years ago haven’t panned
out. I found the overall tone of the issue somewhat downbeat. Nobody is
predicting that success is just around the corner.
Physicists and philosophers are desperately searching for reality, but aren't getting any warmer. An engineer watches the action and offers comments and answers from his work, The Book of the Universe (view my profile and click on My Web Page).
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Thursday, November 19, 2015
Ho-Hum, Another Rejection
Just received a rejection letter from Classical and Quantum Gravity for a paper I had
submitted called “Inflation, Dark Matter, and Dark Energy: A New Paradigm.” Not
a new experience for me. The reason given was that “The manuscript displays a
superficial understanding of fundamental physics.” This shouldn’t have been a
surprise—I told them I’m an engineer. The evidence was that I asserted that quantum
entities have to be either fermions or bosons without stating that this only
applies in 3 + 1 dimensions. I admit I was ignorant of that qualification, but
since spacetime does have three dimensions of space and one of time, not
explicitly saying so had no effect on anything else in the paper. The reviewer
had nothing to say about the actual content of the paper. Since the reputation
of a respected journal can be ruined by publishing a crackpot theory, I suspect
that the editors simply didn’t want to take a risk with my new paradigm but
couldn’t find anything wrong with the physics, so they rejected the paper on
the basis of the author’s qualifications. I understood this when I submitted the
paper, so the rejection was no surprise. Maybe next time…
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Gimme Predictions!
A question physicists always ask when someone
pitches a new theory to them is, “What are some testable predictions of your
theory?” If a theory doesn’t make testable predictions, they reject it immediately,
unless it’s one of their own pet theories, such as string theory or the
multiverse, both of which don’t make any predictions at all but are strongly
supported anyway. Go figure. Anyhow, what are some predictions of the spacetime
model featured in this blog?
Monday, October 12, 2015
Nobel for Neutrino Oscillations
Last week’s announcement that the Nobel Prize
in physics had gone to the experimenters who first observed neutrino
oscillations reminded me that I hadn’t covered the relevant physics in this
blog. So here we go.
I told you what neutrinos are here,
and I covered quantum superpositions of spacetime points here.
In quantum mechanics a superposition of states is also a state, so
superpositions of points are also points. Particles are resonances of points. In
the latter post I showed how protons and neutrons and other baryons are resonances
of superpositions of three points. Mesons are resonances of superpositions of
two points. Electrons are resonances of single points. Thus, spacetime is
really a superposition of spacetimes for different values of n, where every
point in a particular spacetime is a superposition of n single or pure points.
All of the particles observed so far are in the n = 1, 2, or 3 spacetimes,
although there has been a recent report of a possible n = 5 sighting.
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Hawking Solution Probably Not A Solution
In a talk given on August 28, 2015 at Hawking
Radiation, a conference held at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm,
Stephen Hawking presented his new theory of how information escapes from black
holes. Sabine Hossenfelder blogged about the talk at Backreaction here, and again here, after a paper by Hawking appeared on the arXiv
Sabine thinks the theory “makes perfect sense”
but doesn’t see how it solves the black hole information paradox.
The discussion of this problem will probably never
end, because it’s become a complicated mess born of an incorrect spacetime
model. As I explained here, given the correct spacetime
model, there’s no paradox at all, and no problem. So far, however, nobody has
asked for my help.
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Physics Q&A #2: The Inflaton
I spend a lot of time on this blog explaining a
physical spacetime model and the underlying metaphysics. In this series of
posts, each entry poses a physics question for the spacetime model, along with
the answer. A separate series of posts answers metaphysics questions.
Physics Question #2. What is the inflaton (the field responsible
for cosmic inflation)? In my spacetime model,
spacetime is self-generating. Spacetime itself is the inflaton. Points are
defined recursively, with the result that the number of points increases from N
to 2N at each discrete time step. This is an extremely rapid
expansion. It never stops, so spacetime is always inflating.
Saturday, August 1, 2015
Dark Matter Comment Draws Arrogant Reply
Sabine Hossenfelder, whose blog Backreaction is one of my favorites, has contributed a post on Ethan Siegel’s
blog Starts With A Bang. It’s
called “Ten Facts Everyone Should Know About Dark Matter.” I noticed that when she discussed some potential explanations for
dark matter, she left out the one we know is correct, that is, dark matter is a
result of incomplete decay of the oscillatory energy that appears at the end of
the inflationary period and decays to form normal matter. My comment was:
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Paul Steinhardt Introduces The Anamorphic Universe
We introduce "anamorphic" cosmology,
an approach for explaining the smoothness and flatness of the universe on large
scales and the generation of a nearly scale-invariant spectrum of adiabatic
density perturbations. The defining feature is a smoothing phase that acts like
a contracting universe based on some Weyl frame-invariant criteria and an
expanding universe based on other frame-invariant criteria. An advantage of the
contracting aspects is that it is possible to avoid the multiverse and measure
problems that arise in inflationary models. Unlike ekpyrotic models, anamorphic
models can be constructed using only a single field and can generate a nearly
scale-invariant spectrum of tensor perturbations. Anamorphic models also differ
from pre-big bang and matter bounce models that do not explain the smoothness.
We present some examples of cosmological models that incorporate an anamorphic
smoothing phase
Saturday, July 18, 2015
Physics Q&A #1: Discrete Spacetime
I spend a lot of time on this blog explaining a
physical spacetime model and the underlying metaphysics. In this series of
posts, each entry poses a physics question for the spacetime model, along with
the answer. A separate series of posts answers metaphysics questions.
Physics Question #1. The model says spacetime is made of discrete points. OK, then what's between them? What keeps them apart? For that matter, what keeps them from flying away from each other? The first question has been used as a put-down ever since someone first suggested that spacetime might be discrete. The other questions are used in the same way. Actually, the answers to these questions are simple, although not obvious.
Physics Question #1. The model says spacetime is made of discrete points. OK, then what's between them? What keeps them apart? For that matter, what keeps them from flying away from each other? The first question has been used as a put-down ever since someone first suggested that spacetime might be discrete. The other questions are used in the same way. Actually, the answers to these questions are simple, although not obvious.
Saturday, June 27, 2015
Converging To Nothing
Physics World magazine’s blog is one of my regular stops.
This week they’ve been reporting on the Convergence conference held at
the Perimeter Institute for Particle Physics in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, June
Thursday, June 18, 2015
Guest Post: A Letter from God
No, not God, of course. Just the engineer,
revisiting the metaphysics from this post as I imagine God might
approach it. Here is my conception of a letter from God.
Hi, everybody! God here. We need to talk. We
need to have The Talk. It’s time you learned who you are, who I am, and how
we’re related.. Monday, May 25, 2015
Logic Isn't All It's Cracked Up To Be
I was browsing the Perimeter Institute’s video
library the other day and came across a talk by Gerard t’Hooft on his new cellular automaton interpretation of quantum mechanics. The theory is in the early stages of development and I understood
little of what he said, but based on his opening remarks, I would bet that the
idea will go nowhere and will simply waste the time of this brilliant Nobel
laureate, one of the most respected physicists in the world.
Saturday, May 9, 2015
Dark Matter Isn’t Matter
Dark matter is that mysterious stuff that’s
known to form halos around galaxies and galaxy clusters, but can’t be seen
or—so far—detected, We first met dark matter in this post. It’s energy left in
spacetime after inflation.
Friday, April 10, 2015
The Black Hole Information Paradox...Isn't
Black holes are dead stars that have collapsed
under the gravitational attraction of their own mass. The matter density at the
center of a black hole is extremely high. Some say it is infinite and the
center of a black hole is a singularity. The density is so high that a horizon exists
outside of the black hole where the escape velocity exceeds the speed of light.
Nothing that falls through the horizon can escape, even light. Thus, a black
hole is black because nothing inside can
be seen from outside the horizon.
Friday, March 13, 2015
Yes, We Do Need A New Paradigm
Sean Carroll’s recent blog post is typical of the arrogant
physicist confronting questions that he has no idea how to answer but is
absolutely certain that no one but a physicist like himself could possibly find
the answers. Musing about the origin of life, the origin of the universe, and
the origin of consciousness, he says,
Sunday, March 8, 2015
Spin, Statistics, and Forces
While the physicists are thinking about the
universe and coming up with nothing, they’re not giving me anything to blog
about, so I’m going to make good on a promise I made in this post. I’m going to show how the
law of spin and statistics is responsible for three of the four basic
forces—gravity, electromagnetism, and the weak force.
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Another Negative Positive Result
A report
on the arXiv describes an experiment that searched for “chameleon fields,” a
modified gravity theory that seeks to explain dark energy without a
cosmological constant. The negative result rules out these fields in a large part
of the parameter space, but not all of it.
In our model, dark energy is a true
cosmological constant, as I explained here,
so for us this result is positive and expected.
Friday, February 13, 2015
News of Interest
In terms of new ideas, things have been pretty
dull in the physics community lately. However, there have been a few negative
experimental results that are bad news for some old ideas and favorable news
for the model I’m describing in this blog.
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Whaddaya Mean, It's Not New???
As I explained here,
dark matter in the universe is a remnant of inflation. At the end of the
inflationary period, the universe is left in an oscillating state. These
oscillations can be viewed as particles, or inflaton bosons, the inflaton being
the scalar field that drives inflation. These oscillations decay to form matter
particles, the stuff we’re made of.
Thursday, January 8, 2015
Sorry, No Supersymmetry
An Economist article asserts
that the main search target for the upgraded Large Hadron Collider, due to
start up in a couple of months, will be supersymmetric particles, heavier
partners of the standard model particles that have so far never been seen. Supersymmetry is vital to string theory and to
other theories aimed at solving standard model anomalies. Since no evidence of
it was seen in the LHC’s first run, many physicists feel that it has already
been falsified, but many others still think it will be found in the next,
higher-power, run.
In the spacetime model I’m telling you about in this blog, there’s
not even a hint of supersymmetry, so I feel confident in predicting that it
doesn’t exist and won’t be found by the LHC or any future collider.