He began his talk by saying that he doesn’t
believe in the “mysticism” that surrounds quantum mechanics, by which I think
he means the mind-boggling idea that things don’t seem to exist until they are
observed, which makes the universe seem fundamentally mysterious and beyond
human understanding. He wants to develop a quantum mechanics without mystery,
so that the universe can be understood using solid logic and nothing else. I
found this disappointing. Here’s why.
This desire for a completely consistent,
logical universe is shared by most physicists. Unfortunately, it’s mostly
wishful thinking. As I asserted here, the two things physicists
are missing are the correct model of spacetime, which is the subject of most of
this blog, and a respect for metaphysics. To them, existence is just an
abstract concept, consciousness is a result of brain function, and metaphysics
is something a real physicist avoids. They don’t realize that, as abstract
concepts, consciousness and existence are identical, and in fact, are not just
abstract concepts, but fundamental entities that exist in themselves. So metaphysics
is going to be an essential part of of any theory of the universe.
The necessary metaphysics I covered in this post, where we saw that existence
has two aspects, temporal and atemporal. The universe also has these two
aspects, or appearances, depending on who observes it and how. Everything flows
from atemporal existence, an aspect of existence that we can’t experience at
all. We are temporal beings and can only see the temporal universe.
Now, the temporal universe isn’t logically
consistent at all. Temporal reality is relative to the observer. Different
observers can observe the same phenomenon in different ways and reach different
and incompatible conclusions about it. Neils Bohr showed that we can live with
this if the incompatible results can never be seen at the same time by any
observer. So we can’t have absolute logical consistency, but we don’t need it.
The atemporal universe is the logical one,
populated by abstract concepts that exist independently of time and everything
else. The
temporal universe is the physical one. To say that there are atemporal and
temporal universes is the same as saying that there are logical and physical universes.
These incompatible views of the universe can never be seen at the same time by
any observer, so there’s no contradiction. Unfortunately, the bottom line is
that we can never see a completely logical universe.