Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Sean Carroll Disappoints with “Something Deeply Hidden”

Sean Carroll has written a new book called “Something Deeply Hidden: Quantum Worlds and the Emergence of Spacetime.” You can find a review of it by Peter Woit here amd another by Sabine Hossenfelder here.

When someone writes a book like this, I’m always hopeful that the last sentence won’t be something like, “So we still don’t have the answers, but I expect that we’ll see significant progress on these difficult puzzles in the near future.” Unfortunately, that’s how Sean’s book ends, so for me it’s a big disappointment.

I promise you that my book, if it ever gets finished and published, will not end that way.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

A Thought That Thinks Itself

In an early post on this blog, I pointed out that human consciousness has two aspects: temporal and atemporal. The temporal aspect never changes; ”I” am the same person from birth to death. The temporal aspect reflects all of the changes that take place in my life. The temporal aspect is generated in my brain, while the atemporal aspect is independent of the brain—a thought thinking itself. In this post, I take a closer look at human consciousness, particularly the atemporal aspect.