Just received a rejection letter from Classical and Quantum Gravity for a paper I had
submitted called “Inflation, Dark Matter, and Dark Energy: A New Paradigm.” Not
a new experience for me. The reason given was that “The manuscript displays a
superficial understanding of fundamental physics.” This shouldn’t have been a
surprise—I told them I’m an engineer. The evidence was that I asserted that quantum
entities have to be either fermions or bosons without stating that this only
applies in 3 + 1 dimensions. I admit I was ignorant of that qualification, but
since spacetime does have three dimensions of space and one of time, not
explicitly saying so had no effect on anything else in the paper. The reviewer
had nothing to say about the actual content of the paper. Since the reputation
of a respected journal can be ruined by publishing a crackpot theory, I suspect
that the editors simply didn’t want to take a risk with my new paradigm but
couldn’t find anything wrong with the physics, so they rejected the paper on
the basis of the author’s qualifications. I understood this when I submitted the
paper, so the rejection was no surprise. Maybe next time…