Saturday, November 28, 2020

The Black Hole Information Loss Problem Is Unsolvable? Not by a Long Shot!


I haven’t been blogging lately because there’s simply no progress being made in fundamental physics, so there’s nothing to blog about. Even Sabine Hossenfelder, one of the most prolific physics bloggers still blogging frequently, has had little current news to comment on for her blog Backreaction and is resorting to pedagogical posts on physics fundamentals, or alternatively, complaining that her physics colleagues are ignoring the need for new approaches to break the impasse in fundamental research in favor of doing the same things as always to ensure a steady paycheck. I don’t know what she expects them to do, and neither do they, and neither does she.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Book of the Universe

In an attempt to find a more accessible format for the ideas that I’ve been presenting on this blog, I’ve compiled the major ideas into a book, which I call The Book of the Universe. It’s not very long—only about 150 pages—but it’s dense (in ideas, of course). For the time being, you can only access it via the link here.

I’ve never allowed comments on this blog because I’m not interested in arguing about these ideas. However, I am interested in constructive comments on this new book. You can e-mail me at

I won’t answer mean, nasty, or unintelligible messages, but I will do my best to respond as appropriate.