Saturday, November 28, 2020

The Black Hole Information Loss Problem Is Unsolvable? Not by a Long Shot!


I haven’t been blogging lately because there’s simply no progress being made in fundamental physics, so there’s nothing to blog about. Even Sabine Hossenfelder, one of the most prolific physics bloggers still blogging frequently, has had little current news to comment on for her blog Backreaction and is resorting to pedagogical posts on physics fundamentals, or alternatively, complaining that her physics colleagues are ignoring the need for new approaches to break the impasse in fundamental research in favor of doing the same things as always to ensure a steady paycheck. I don’t know what she expects them to do, and neither do they, and neither does she.

The problem, of course, is that all of these brilliant physicists are totally ignorant of the true nature of spacetime and the role that consciousness plays in the universe. They can’t change their approach because they think there is no other approach. It’s frustrating to me, too, because my blog has always been and still is all about telling them what they need to know.

Sabine’s latest post is The Black Hole information loss problem is unsolved. Because it’s unsolvable. That’s just wrong. If she knew the true nature of spacetime she’d know that gravitational collapse can’t lead to the singularities that are supposed to exist at the centers of black holes. What are there instead are Planck-density cores formed from all of the matter that has fallen in. No singularity, no information loss.

That one is easy, but a lot of the answers to problems that have the physicists stymied aren’t easy to understand, especially the ones that involve metaphysics. So first of all, they won’t look at anything that comes from a nonphysicist, and even if they did, they wouldn’t understand it. So maybe these problems are unsolvable after all, at least by the current generation of physicists. On the other hand, should there be one out there who’s willing to look and able to get it, I’ve condensed the information in this blog into book form. I call it The Book of The Universe. Lots of answers there.