Sunday, September 9, 2018

Sabine Hossenfelder Argues for Superfluid Dark Matter

A new paper on the arXiv by Hossenfelder and Mistele shows impressive agreement  between the predictions of a superfluid dark matter model and actual measurements on 64 of a set of 65 galaxies. The model falls somewhere between particle dark matter models and modified gravity models. I find that while the model gets the effects right it attributes them to the wrong physics. However, it may be the best that can be done by physicists who are working in the current paradigm and are unaware of the spacetime model that I’ve been covering in this blog. In this post I’ll show where Sabine is right and where she’s wrong.

Here’s Sabine, in a blog post about her paper:

Physicists still haven’t figured out what dark matter is made of, if anything. The idea that it’s made of particles that interact so weakly we haven’t yet measured them works well to explain some of the observational evidence. Notably the motions of galaxies bound to clusters and the features of the cosmic microwave background fit with theories of particle dark matter straight-forwardly. The galaxies themselves, not so much.

Astronomers have found that galaxies have regularities that are difficult to accommodate in theories of particle dark matter, for example the Tully-Fisher relation and the Radial Acceleration Relation. These observed patterns in the measurements don’t follow all that easily from the simple models of particle dark matter.

One of the proposals ,,, has long been that gravity must be modified. ,,, modified gravity works dramatically well for galaxies and explains the observed regularities.

She explains that three years ago she read a paper that proposed that dark matter is a superfluid—light particles that condense under pressure to form a superfluid. The proposed superfluid is crawling with phonons, which result in a force that interacts with normal matter. She goes on:

This force looks like modified gravity. Indeed, I think, it is justified to call it modified gravity because the pull acting on galaxies is now no longer that of general relativity alone.

Here Sabine correctly concludes that dark matter causes an additional force that modifies the effects of gravity. However, there is no superfluid matter. In fact, there is no matter at all, just energy in the form af oscillations of space that are left over at the end of inflation after the reheating or particle formation period, as I explained here. These oscillations are not phonons, buy they are energy and therefore have a gravitational force, which is dealt with quite well, thank you, by General Relativity alone. The force doesn’t modify gravity, it simply increases the gravitational force acting on the normal matter. But yes, it does look like modified gravity. Back to Sabine, on getting the dark matter to condense and form a superluid:

However, to get the stuff to condense, you need sufficient pressure, and the pressure comes from the gravitational attraction of the matter itself. Only if you have matter sufficiently clumped together will the fluid become a superfluid and generate the additional force. If the matter isn’t sufficiently clumped, or is just too warm, it’ll not condense.

Again, the effect is right but the physics is wrong. There’s no matter, but the regions of space where the postinflation oscillations are found are scattered by the continuing expansion of the universe, and only where this energy is sufficiently clumped together will its gravitational force be large enough to look like dark matter. Sabine again:

This simple idea works remarkably well to explain why the observations that we assign to dark matter seem to fall into two categories: Those that fit better to particle dark matter and those that fit better to modified gravity. It’s because the dark matter is a fluid with two phases. In galaxies it’s condensed. In galaxy clusters, most of it isn’t condensed because the average potential isn’t deep enough. And in the early universe it’s too warm for condensation. On scales of the solar system, finally, it doesn’t make sense to even speak of the superfluid’s force, it would be like talking about van der Waals forces inside a proton. The theory just isn’t applicable there.

OK there, just read “clumped” for “condensed,” and “dark matter” for “superfluid.” Sabine again:

I was pretty excited about this until it occurred to me there’s a problem with this idea. The problem is that we know at least since the 170817 gravitational wave event with an optical counterpart that gravitational waves travel to good precision at the same speed as light. This by itself is easy to explain with the superfluid idea: Light just doesn’t interact with the superfluid. There could be various reasons for this, but regardless of what the reason, it’s simple to accommodate this in the model.

The reason is that light doesn’t react with vacuum spacetime.

This has the consequence however that light which travels through the superfluid region of galaxies will not respond to the bulk of what we usually refer to as dark matter. The superfluid does have mass and therefore also has a gravitational pull. Light notices that and will bend around it. But most of the dark matter that we infer from the motion of normal matter is a “phantom matter” or an “impostor field”. It’s really due to the additional force from the superfluid. And light will not respond to this. As a result, the amount of dark matter inferred from lensing on galaxies should not match the amount of dark matter inferred from the motion of stars.

Wrong again. Hossenfelder and Mistele didn’t observe any significant difference in their study. There’s no phantom matter or impostor field. However, the idea that dark matter is extra, invisible energy in space that is clumped together in galaxies and not so much in galaxy clusters, so its gravitational pull is stronger or weaker accordingly, is correct. And we know what this energy is and where it comes from, even if the physicists don’t.