Quantum theory and Einstein’s general
relativity are the two main pillars of modern physics. Quantum mechanics makes
highly accurate predictions in the realm of the very small, while general
relativity does the same on a cosmic scale. Unfortunately, the two theories are
incompatible, leading vast numbers of theoretical physicists to attempt to
unite them in a theory of quantum gravity,
with a notable lack of success.
If you’re familiar with the spacetime model
I’ve been describing in this blog, it’s easy to see the reason for this lack of
success. The gravity of general relativity is an emergent phenomenon, while
quantum mechanics deals with fundamental entities. Here’s what Wickipedia says
about emergence.
philosophy, systems theory, science, and art, emergence is a phenomenon whereby
larger entities arise through interactions among smaller or simpler entities
such that the larger entities exhibit properties the smaller/simpler entities
do not exhibit.
is central in theories of integrative levels and of complex systems. For
instance, the phenomenon of life as studied in biology is an emergent property
of chemistry, and psychological phenomena emerge from the neurobiological
phenomena of living things.
In a previous post I explained how gravity and
the other forces arise from the interactions of spacetime quanta, which I call
points. The gravity of general relativity emerges from this quantum activity.
A huge problem with general relativity is that,
since it’s a classical theory with a continuous spacetime, it leads to
singularities or infinities. These don’t exist in our quantum spacetime. They
become problems when an effective theory, which general relativity is, is
applied outside its realm of applicability. Wickipedia again:
science, an effective theory is a scientific theory which proposes to describe
a certain set of observations, but explicitly without the claim or implication
that the mechanism employed in the theory has a direct counterpart in the
actual causes of the observed phenomena to which the theory is fitted. I.e. the
theory proposes to model a certain effect, without proposing to adequately
model any of the causes which contribute to the effect.
Thus, an
effective field theory is a theory which describes phenomena in solid-state
physics, notably the BCS theory of superconduction, which treats vibrations of
the solid-state lattice as a "field" (i.e. without claiming that
there is "really" a field), with its own field quanta, called
phonons. Such "effective particles" derived from effective fields are
also known as quasiparticles.
No one would attempt to find a theory of
quantum fluid dynamics, since fluid dynamics is an emergent phenomenon.
Similarly, it seems obvious to me that the search for quantum gravity—actually,
quantum general relativity—is a wild goose chase.
As I’ve said many times, the main thing keeping
physicists from progressing beyond their current confusion is knowledge of the
quantum nature of spacetime.