Sunday, August 31, 2014

Point Quads...Seriously?

We’re in the process of constructing the spacetime model that I say is one of the things the physicists are missing that’s currently blocking their progress. In this post we’ll learn more about the structure of our spacetime. To discover its geometry, we used a symmetry principle—that the physics of the universe should look the same to every observer. The same principle can teach us something about time. Remember that there is an aspect of the universe that is atemporal—there’s no time. This means that the temporal aspect of the universe—the one we see—should also have zero time. Now, how in the world can a temporal universe have zero time? Easy. It just has to take a step backward for every step forward in time. What this does is split our spacetime into two similar fields, one going forward in time and one going backward. But there’s a subtlety here: one direction always has more points because the universe expands with every time step, forward or backward.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Particles, Dark Matter, and Dark Energy

In my last post, we gave birth to the spacetime model that the physicists are missing—one of the reasons why they’re not making progress. Now we need to flesh out the model by adding the structural details that will allow us to explain the standard models of particle physics and cosmology.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

A Really Big Bang, and then...Inflation

In her excellent blog, Backreaction, phenomenologist Sabine Hossenfelder laments the difficulty of finding a precise answer to the question, “What is a Singularity?” She talks about several kinds of mathematical and cosmological singularities and attempts to clear up the confusion about them.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Metaphysics Is Physics--Just Think About It.

We tend to think of thoughts as nonphysical, nothing but the results of electrical activity in our brains. But are they all nonphysical? What about atemporal existence?  As I explained in this post, it’s a thought that exists in itself because it’s conscious—it thinks itself. I say that makes it physical. as solidly real as any other thing you can think of, and certainly more so than you or me, since it’s immortal and we’re not. By “physical,” I mean exactly what you’d think—stuff you can touch and feel.