Sunday, January 25, 2015

Whaddaya Mean, It's Not New???

As I explained here, dark matter in the universe is a remnant of inflation. At the end of the inflationary period, the universe is left in an oscillating state. These oscillations can be viewed as particles, or inflaton bosons, the inflaton being the scalar field that drives inflation. These oscillations decay to form matter particles, the stuff we’re made of.

However, not all of them decay. In fact, only about one-sixth of them decay. The rest are still there. They are the mysterious stuff we call dark matter. There is five times as much dark matter as ordinary matter in the universe.

I was under the impression that this was an original prediction of the spacetime model I’ve been telling you about in this blog. Turns out I was wrong. A paper published this week references at least ten previous publications that have explored this idea. So far nobody has gone very far with it because, in itself, it doesn’t solve the problem that all inflation models proposed so far are inadequate in some way. The basic reason is that you need the correct spacetime model to find the correct inflation model, and nobody has it but the readers of this blog—that’s right, nobody. Physicists don’t listen to retired engineers. Isn’t life grand?